Monday, October 4, 2010

these by the way are reviews (translated by a norweigen woman from norweigen to english) of the shows in bergen, norway. (Ann Liv Young does Sherry at Landmark gallery presented by bit teatregarden) please read. BergensAvisa A man to hold (reference to a Norwegian song called “a hand to hold”) Norwegian females: submissive, according to performance artist - Could someone help me to hold this? Ann Liv Young asked. Hilde Jørgensen took the challenge. Even if “this” was a penis. - It was a nice and interesting performance that brought out the feministic perspective, says audience Hilde Jørgensen, who was assigned an unexpected part in yesterdays show at Landmark. She was brought onto the stage when the controversial “Sherry Show” took place. - I went to see the play because this is an interesting, recognized artist. Yes, she uses powerful means of expression, but maybe that’s necessary in today’s society, Jørgensen asks, and elaborates: - There are many more provoking cases in the media than this. - What do you have in mind? - For example that FrP (right wing political party) can win the next election. Or wait - journalism in general. Sold out The American performance artist Ann Liv Young is known to shock her audiences with sexuality, improvisation and statements. Yesterday’s performance at Landmark was sold out and people opened up more than what is usual among strangers. Still, few of the 80 who were present wanted to tell BA why they were there. - It is interesting to feel the anxiety and tension, says student of psychology Andreas Rimala Jensen (29) to BA. Fellow student Endre Vistedt (27) hopes to be provoked during the evening. - I’ve heard she’s weird and controversial, he sayd when BA talked to him before the show. Wanted to be provoked Hans Christian Van Nijkerk (28) also hopes to experience something out of the ordinary this evening. - Do you think you will be provoked? - That is what I hope. When Ann Liv entered the stage just after 1900 as her alter ego Sherry, she started to yell at the sound technician because the microphone wasn’t on. Then she wanted the audience to ask her questions. - Did you think you could just walk in here, see me rub myself everywhere - and then leave? Blueberries in the vagina After some persuasion people started to talk, and Sherry had several personal conversations with members of the audience. A young man was given a condom and was told to see a doctor about his penis after many questions about his love life. - How much do you weigh? - Do you masturbate? - Are you gay? - Have you ever tried a dildo? - Do you have a boyfriend? No? I could tell. You are a bit condescending., she said to a woman in the audience. After a song, Sherry pulled up her dress and picked blueberries out of her vagina. Then she threw them at the audience. - Hang on! I’m sorry, I couldn’t get more of them in, she said before she asked if anyone wanted to taste them. - They are your national berries, aren’t they? Do you want a blueberry? I have more! Review: Orgy in honesty Dice: 6 American artist Ann Liv Young provoked strong feelings in the audience during yesterday’s performance at Landmark. But it was not sex or nudity that shocked people the most. Many probably didn’t know what was waiting them when they went to see the performance “Sherry Show” yesterday. The American artist is known for her extreme effects on stage. Sex, both with herself and others, indelicate use of urine and feces is part of her performances. It still wasn’t body fluids that had the biggest effect on the audience who came for the premier. It didn’t take long before Youngs alter ego Sherry had all of the audience in the palm of her hand by asking them direct questions about their sex life, ethnicity and sexual orientation – issues usually discussed in private rooms or under the quilt. When she in addition to this had no fear what so ever that she would be perceived as unpleasant, all fake politeness disappeared as dew to the sun. She started by calling the audience a bunch of idiots, but still obtained an almost surreal frankness that made young boys tell about visits to the gynecologist, their father’s alcoholism, and women in their 40’s to talk about their feelings about masturbation. Ann Liv Young is impressively clever in dealing with the shock headlines that are usually preceding her, and uses them for all they are worth in conversation with her audience – with all the contemplation it leads to. Even if Young’s attitude could be perceived as threatening to some of her spectators, there was no doubt that most of them found it redemptive to drop the usual detours one meets in everyday life before one gets to the questions that matter. Young sold merchandise before, during and after the show, among other items used tampons and a Plexiglas sculpture of her own feces covered in glitter.

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