Thursday, October 7, 2010

check out that link.
if you can read norweigen please let us know what it says!


1 comment:

  1. Hi! It says:

    Liv Young makes you talk about things you don't really want to talk about. Like how often you have sex, if someone close to you have recently died or if you use a dildo. This creates laughter, awkward giggling and silent resentment in the audience.

    Tuesday one of Americas performance bad girls came to Trondheim. Only two weeks ago she was criticized by The New York Times for singing out of tune and taking a dump on stage. The Bastard presentation described how she on stage have had sex, urinated and roled in the ashes of her dead dog. Such things tickles the audiences tabloid muscle and creates excitement and buzz beforehand.

    But the most unpleasant part of the show Cinderella was neither nudity nor excrements, but character Sherrys obtrusive style.

    Young switches between several seemingly seperate elements: the smiling creepy southern woman Sherry, a sad and desillusioned Cinderella and shouting, not singing, powerballads at extreme volume.

    If to get a point from the show it is this: Cinderella is our cultures dream woman. A lonely housewife which suddenly in a single night gets all her wishes granted and becomes a princess. Through the show this character is turned inside out to be set free and renewed. With Young this is shown in an old school and freudian way. At the end of the show she takes a dump in a bucket and the excrements are forced back up into her behind. This happens on a heart of confetti glitter surrounded by kitchen knives, legs spread. Willingly and symbolic Young shows us what kind of crap we surround ourselves with, both performances and products. “You made this shit”, she says.

    A lot of adjectives can be used to describe Youngs performance: vulgar, energetic, smelly, harassing, honest and present. She shockes those who let themselves be shocked and frolicks in threats and expectations not met. The dialogue between her and the audience escalates with honest felt aggression towards both them, the theatres' staff and her own partners.

    Several of the audience members left after an hour. Some were given a too hard time, by too much focus on and questions about sexual orientation and characterizing of fashion style. After two and a half hour Young herself got tired of it all and rounded up with an auction of things from the stage. The audience bid on a box of "poo-poo", a scarf and a dress. They were sold for 8, 70 and 100 dollars.

    Youngs show was not crap - it's too relationbased and unique to be. But perhaps a bit too naughty and random. Some times it crossed the line regarding it's audience - and in the end it was quite smelly.
